Geddes Canyon Jul 09

From the top of Mingus Mountain ridge
P7230715   GEDDES CANYON P7230716 P7230717 P7230718
P7230719 P7230721 P7230722 P7230723   The day is hot and clear, so we take frequent breaks
P7230724 P7230726 P7230727 P7230729
P7230731 P7230732   A particularly magnificent ponderosa P7230733 P7230734
P7230735 P7230737 P7230738 P7230739
P7230740 P7230741 P7230742 P7230743
P7230744 P7230745 P7230746 P7230747
P7230748   We follow the canyon bottom, where traces of water bring out the green P7230749 P7230750   'Carol, there's a butterfly on your head!' P7230752
P7230753 P7230754 P7230755 P7230756
P7230757 P7230758 P7230759 P7230761
P7230762 P7230763 P7230764 P7230766
P7230767 P7230768 P7230769 P7230770
P7230771 P7230772 P7230773 P7230774
P7230775 P7230776   Above us, the monsoon is building P7230777 IMG 0077   On the way back, we stop in Jerome for lunch. Shots from here on are iPhone cam.
IMG 0080   Our first choice is out of business, so we head for Grapes IMG 0081   {     AEAverage = 205;     AELimitsReached = 0;     AEStable = 1;     AFStable = 1;     AFStatus = 4;     AGC = 256;     AWBBGain = 158;     AWBGGain = 64;     AWBRGain = 174;     AWBStable = 1;     AccelerometerDeltas = "(0.0083 0.0206 0.0052) @ 0.0200";     ApertureValue = 3;     BrightnessValue = 6.269460232424022;     CurrentFocusPosition = 56;     ExposureBias = 0;     ExposureTime = 0.005649252173913043;     Fnumber = 2.8;     FocalLength = 3.85;     FocusBand = "98.10 in [87.08, 106.51]";     FocusMode = 1;     FocusPeakSumArray =     (         206791,         208720,         210481,         212452,         575664     );     FocusScan = "(0,91.40) (29,88.53) (56,94.14) (81,90.29) (105,70.24) 2.8s ago";     FocusScoresArray =     (         5740766,         5871398,         5999633,         6146494,         29574609     );     FocusWindow = "350/300 300x400";     FullyExposed = 1;     ISOSpeedRating = 70;     NoiseReduction = "S:4 C:8 Y:0";     OneFrameAEMode = 0;     Orientation = 1;     OverflowOccurred = 0;     PreviousFocusBand = "67.79 in [0.00, 0.00]";     PreviousFocusScan = "(0,65.31) (29,66.88) (56,69.64) (81,57.80) (105,42.57) 7.4s ago";     SNR = 36;     SensorID = 13904;     Sharpness = 9;     ShutterSpeedValue = 7.467724382867582;     ispDGain = 256;     sensorDGain = 256;     "{Exif}" =     {         ColorSpace = 65535;         DateTimeDigitized = "2009:07:23 12:48:14";         DateTimeOriginal = "2009:07:23 12:48:14";         ExposureTime = 0.005649717514124294;         FNumber = 2.8;         FocalLength = 3.85;         ISOSpeedRatings =         (             70         );         PixelXDimension = 2048;         PixelYDimension = 1536;         Sharpness = 1;     };     "{TIFF}" =     {         DateTime = "2009:07:23 12:48:14";         Make = Apple;         Model = iPhone;         XResolution = 72;         YResolution = 72;     }; } IMG 0082   {     AEAverage = 192;     AELimitsReached = 0;     AEStable = 1;     AFStable = 1;     AFStatus = 7;     AGC = 438;     AWBBGain = 178;     AWBGGain = 64;     AWBRGain = 161;     AWBStable = 1;     AccelerometerDeltas = "(0.0079 0.0005 0.0050) @ 0.0200";     ApertureValue = 3;     BrightnessValue = 1.842862864522447;     CurrentFocusPosition = 0;     ExposureBias = 0;     ExposureTime = 0.06650323478260869;     Fnumber = 2.8;     FocalLength = 3.85;     FocusBand = "47.24 in [20.59, 70.19]";     FocusMode = 1;     FocusPeakSumArray =     (         114670,         116183,         117836,         119212,         351733     );     FocusScan = "(0,38.62) (29,24.49) (56,22.63) 1.1s ago";     FocusScoresArray =     (         3028353,         3059427,         3090995,         3120847,         10350062     );     FocusWindow = "350/300 300x400";     FullyExposed = 1;     ISOSpeedRating = 122;     NoiseReduction = "S:5 C:8 Y:0";     OneFrameAEMode = 1;     Orientation = 6;     OverflowOccurred = 0;     PreviousFocusBand = "36.35 in [0.00, 0.00]";     PreviousFocusScan = "(0,91.40) (29,88.53) (56,94.14) (81,90.29) (105,70.24) 54.5s ago";     SNR = 31.77397229257945;     SensorID = 13904;     Sharpness = 9;     ShutterSpeedValue = 3.910431673351468;     ispDGain = 256;     sensorDGain = 256;     "{Exif}" =     {         ColorSpace = 65535;         DateTimeDigitized = "2009:07:23 12:57:31";         DateTimeOriginal = "2009:07:23 12:57:31";         ExposureTime = 0.06666666666666667;         FNumber = 2.8;         FocalLength = 3.85;         ISOSpeedRatings =         (             122         );         PixelXDimension = 2048;         PixelYDimension = 1536;         Sharpness = 1;     };     "{TIFF}" =     {         DateTime = "2009:07:23 12:57:31";         Make = Apple;         Model = iPhone;         XResolution = 72;         YResolution = 72;     }; } IMG 0083   {     AEAverage = 198;     AELimitsReached = 0;     AEStable = 1;     AFStable = 1;     AFStatus = 4;     AGC = 1942;     AWBBGain = 188;     AWBGGain = 64;     AWBRGain = 153;     AWBStable = 1;     AccelerometerDeltas = "(0.0036 0.0059 0.0089) @ 0.0200";     ApertureValue = 3;     BrightnessValue = -0.5839200458025692;     CurrentFocusPosition = 95;     ExposureBias = 0;     ExposureTime = 0.08316987826086956;     Fnumber = 2.8;     FocalLength = 3.85;     FocusBand = "22.28 in [15.31, 34.34]";     FocusMode = 0;     FocusPeakSumArray =     (         44944,         45888,         46543,         47622,         222992     );     FocusScan = "(0,22.11) (34,17.95) (66,21.07) (95,22.23) (123,16.17) (149,13.02) (173,10.18) (195,9.81) (216,9.66) (236,8.91) (255,8.27) 3.2s ago";     FocusScoresArray =     (         2496054,         2556671,         2603986,         2662610,         13698712     );     FocusWindow = "321/290 188x250";     FullyExposed = 1;     ISOSpeedRating = 557;     NoiseReduction = "S:21 C:11 Y:3";     OneFrameAEMode = 0;     Orientation = 6;     OverflowOccurred = 0;     PreviousFocusBand = "31.31 in [25.79, 72.24]";     PreviousFocusScan = "(0,31.79) (29,42.68) (56,30.02) (81,24.23) 5.0s ago";     SNR = 24.4936235616044;     SensorID = 13904;     Sharpness = 7;     ShutterSpeedValue = 3.587795069486017;     ispDGain = 256;     sensorDGain = 256;     "{Exif}" =     {         ColorSpace = 65535;         DateTimeDigitized = "2009:07:23 12:57:42";         DateTimeOriginal = "2009:07:23 12:57:42";         ExposureTime = 0.08333333333333333;         FNumber = 2.8;         FocalLength = 3.85;         ISOSpeedRatings =         (             557         );         PixelXDimension = 2048;         PixelYDimension = 1536;         Sharpness = 0;     };     "{TIFF}" =     {         DateTime = "2009:07:23 12:57:42";         Make = Apple;         Model = iPhone;         XResolution = 72;         YResolution = 72;     }; }
IMG 0084   {     AEAverage = 199;     AELimitsReached = 0;     AEStable = 1;     AFStable = 1;     AFStatus = 4;     AGC = 1429;     AWBBGain = 190;     AWBGGain = 64;     AWBRGain = 150;     AWBStable = 1;     AccelerometerDeltas = "(0.0088 0.0069 0.0032) @ 0.0200";     ApertureValue = 3;     BrightnessValue = 0.1885218428502976;     CurrentFocusPosition = 56;     ExposureBias = 0;     ExposureTime = 0.06650323478260869;     Fnumber = 2.8;     FocalLength = 3.85;     FocusBand = "63.06 in [54.12, 84.66]";     FocusMode = 1;     FocusPeakSumArray =     (         129956,         132094,         133662,         137150,         364212     );     FocusScan = "(0,57.27) (29,56.40) (56,65.22) (81,61.11) (105,47.90) 2.7s ago";     FocusScoresArray =     (         4540120,         4667580,         4773370,         4904654,         25410010     );     FocusWindow = "350/300 300x400";     FullyExposed = 1;     ISOSpeedRating = 408;     NoiseReduction = "S:15 C:10 Y:2";     OneFrameAEMode = 1;     Orientation = 1;     OverflowOccurred = 0;     PreviousFocusBand = "98.16 in [127.53, 158.15]";     PreviousFocusScan = "(0,138.67) (42,54.68) (81,46.96) (116,48.70) (149,47.80) (178,44.53) (206,36.11) (231,31.25) (255,30.78) 3.9s ago";     SNR = 26.810949227563;     SensorID = 13904;     Sharpness = 8;     ShutterSpeedValue = 3.910431673351468;     ispDGain = 256;     sensorDGain = 256;     "{Exif}" =     {         ColorSpace = 65535;         DateTimeDigitized = "2009:07:23 12:58:03";         DateTimeOriginal = "2009:07:23 12:58:03";         ExposureTime = 0.06666666666666667;         FNumber = 2.8;         FocalLength = 3.85;         ISOSpeedRatings =         (             408         );         PixelXDimension = 2048;         PixelYDimension = 1536;         Sharpness = 0;     };     "{TIFF}" =     {         DateTime = "2009:07:23 12:58:03";         Make = Apple;         Model = iPhone;         XResolution = 72;         YResolution = 72;     }; } IMG 0085   {     AEAverage = 193;     AELimitsReached = 0;     AEStable = 1;     AFStable = 1;     AFStatus = 4;     AGC = 746;     AWBBGain = 181;     AWBGGain = 64;     AWBRGain = 159;     AWBStable = 1;     AccelerometerDeltas = "(0.0097 0.0089 0.0035) @ 0.0200";     ApertureValue = 3;     BrightnessValue = 1.082112640415308;     CurrentFocusPosition = 56;     ExposureBias = 0;     ExposureTime = 0.06650323478260869;     Fnumber = 2.8;     FocalLength = 3.85;     FocusBand = "55.82 in [40.58, 121.29]";     FocusMode = 1;     FocusPeakSumArray =     (         111765,         117061,         121733,         128520,         401023     );     FocusScan = "(0,36.76) (29,46.62) (56,69.93) (81,53.18) (105,52.36) 6.7s ago";     FocusScoresArray =     (         2942775,         3121421,         3257874,         3419482,         14295826     );     FocusWindow = "350/300 300x400";     FullyExposed = 1;     ISOSpeedRating = 211;     NoiseReduction = "S:8 C:9 Y:1";     OneFrameAEMode = 1;     Orientation = 1;     OverflowOccurred = 0;     PreviousFocusBand = "40.54 in [29.17, 33.63]";     PreviousFocusScan = "(0,29.52) (29,30.80) (56,29.58) (81,27.92) (105,25.74) 7.7s ago";     SNR = 29.49172162025803;     SensorID = 13904;     Sharpness = 9;     ShutterSpeedValue = 3.910431673351468;     ispDGain = 256;     sensorDGain = 256;     "{Exif}" =     {         ColorSpace = 65535;         DateTimeDigitized = "2009:07:23 12:58:18";         DateTimeOriginal = "2009:07:23 12:58:18";         ExposureTime = 0.06666666666666667;         FNumber = 2.8;         FocalLength = 3.85;         ISOSpeedRatings =         (             211         );         PixelXDimension = 2048;         PixelYDimension = 1536;         Sharpness = 1;     };     "{TIFF}" =     {         DateTime = "2009:07:23 12:58:18";         Make = Apple;         Model = iPhone;         XResolution = 72;         YResolution = 72;     }; } IMG 0086   Great food!